The Guild Wars 2 Teaser Trailer, the first trailer of Guild Wars 2, premiered at the 2009 Gamescom event. After being exhibited in the show, the trailer was made available on the Guild Wars 2 website and may currently be seen and downloaded there.
The second Guild Wars 2 trailer, titled The Races of Tyria, premiered at December 4th through the Guild Wars 2 website, where it may currently be seen and downloaded. It features the five iconic heroes of each playable races: the human Captain Logan Thackeray, the charr Rytlock Brimstone, the norn Eir Stegalkin, the asura Zojja and the sylvari Caithe.
The third Guild Wars 2 trailer, titled ArenaNet's MMO Manifesto, premiered at August 10th through the Guild Wars 2 website, where it may currently be seen and downloaded.
"We do not want to build the same MMO everyone else is building, and in Guild Wars 2, it's your world. It's your story. You affect things around you in a very permanent way."
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